loud & clear
loud & clear stands for the relationship between our professional audio brands Electro-Voice and Dynacord.

The loud & clear initiative powerfully aligns Dynacord’s core competencies and pro-audio engineering expertise with those of Electro-Voice, and vice versa. The result:
Electro-Voice is our dedicated brand for loudspeakers and microphones, Dynacord is our dedicated brand for electronics.
Thanks to the global effort of the loud & clear initiative, customers around the world can now enjoy more product choices and a more clearly defined view of Electro-Voice and Dynacord’s complementary relationship. The depth of our shared R&D resources as part of Bosch – and the shared know-how of our engineering teams in Burnsville, MN (USA) and Straubing (Germany) – is geared towards bringing customers state-of-the-art loudspeaker and microphone technology from Electro-Voice, and world-class electronics engineering and software design from Dynacord.
The Dynacord loudspeaker portfolio is being replaced by models from Electro-Voice, and the Electro-Voice badge no longer appears on amplifiers and electronics. The words POWERED BY DYNACORD appear on the control/input panels of Electro-Voice portable powered loudspeakers, and Electro-Voice installed and concert/touring loudspeakers can be performance-optimized with dedicated power, processing and presets from Dynacord. According to their needs, users can choose integrated system solutions with Electro-Voice loudspeakers and Dynacord electronics, or standalone products from either brand that will also work well with equipment from third-party manufacturers.
Powered loudspeakers from Electro-Voice are equipped with a high-performance amplifier and DSP module developed in collaboration with our sibling brand Dynacord – engineered in Germany for uncompromising sound quality and reliability. Together you get the best of both worlds: state-of-the-art transducer technology from Electro-Voice, world-class electronics engineering from Dynacord.