Electro-Voice RE3 wireless brings wow factor to worship at The Faith Centre
- New EV wireless family delivers superb UHF sound quality
- Range of system options and accessories to suit any RF application
- RE520 supercardioid condenser capsules provide excellent detail and acoustic isolation
The difference in quality and performance was immediately noticeable – we should have done this sooner!
The Faith Centre in the city of San Fernando, Trinidad occupies 100,000 sq. feet of space, with a main prayer space seating 1300 persons. To improve the audio aspect of the worship experience for their congregation, Technical Director Mr. Everton Charles contacted regional AV integration specialists Streamline Systems Ltd. to discuss upgrading their wireless microphones.
“While their existing microphones were functional and from a reputable brand, the sound seemed muffled and there was clearly room for improvement,” says Michael Pereira, Director, Streamline Systems Ltd. “Mr. Charles contacted Streamline Systems, and after some site visits and measurements, the team listened to the current system and took careful note of any acoustic challenges on stage. We recommended the new Electro-Voice RE3 wireless with the RE520 handheld mics. The RE3 wireless delivers superb UHF sound quality, while the RE520 supercardioid condenser capsules provide excellent detail and acoustic isolation in a noisy stage environment.”
A total of six Electro-Voice RE3-520 systems were installed into a microphone rack, with a pair of RE3-ACC-AASP active antenna splitters used for signal distribution. RE3-ACC-ALPA active log periodic antennas were used to boost signal from the stage to the mix position.
“Installation was a breeze, and the RE3’s clear frequency scan and sync functions selected the right operating channels the first time around,” Pereira continues. “We’re really impressed with the upgrade in sound at the Faith Centre, but it’s really the client’s satisfaction that matters and they are thrilled – there were immediate ‘wows’ when our engineers tested the new mics, which is what we like to hear!” Everton Charles concurs: "The difference in quality and performance was immediately noticeable – we should have done this sooner!"